Taking Wellness in Your Own Hands

How to Get Well and Stay Well

It’s so refreshing to come across a holistic, self-empowering and practical approach from an NHS GP. Called the Plant Power Doctor, her latest book, “Get Well Stay Well,” offers simple and practical transformative tips and habits for enhancing physical and mental well-being. Best of all, the mind-body link is acknowledged and explored. Here are the author’s key points:

Self-Reflection: The Starting Point

The nature of well-being is personal. What works for one may not work for another. Start with self-reflection by checking in on your emotions, how you feel and what’s on your mind. Understanding your unique needs sets the foundation for positive changes. Reflect on your past too, how your past could be shaping what is happening today – your family, medical and social history. Reflection brings insight and assists with processing the past and moving through it rather than dwelling on it. It also helps identifying patterns and habits and to join the dots between certain events in your life and your current patterns. Reflecting on autopilot habits with self-compassion allows for growth and the breaking of detrimental patterns.

Mapping Your Habits Over Time

Examining your past, relationships, and experiences can unveil patterns affecting your current well-being and where your lifestyle needs adjusting. By considering family dynamics, past relationships, and identifying repeated patterns, you gain a deeper understanding of the factors shaping your life. This self-awareness is crucial for making positive changes.

Set Personal Goals

To address concerns and improve well-being, set personal goals. Whether related to vitality, energy, gratitude, or optimism, defining your aspirations provides direction. This process encourages a mindful examination of your current routine, eating habits, exercise regimen, outdoor exposure, sleep quality, and home environment.

Finding Your Purpose 

Exploring and finding a sense of purpose means you honour yourself. By identifying what is important to you and exploring simple actions to serve those priorities, you begin building a life aligned with your passions and joy. Ask yourself these two simple questions: What is important to me? What could I do today to serve what is most important to me? This foundation cultivates self-love and a love that radiates from the inside out.

Six Essential Health Habits 

The core of “Get Well Stay Well” revolves around six essential health habits encapsulated in the acronym “GLOVES”: Gratitude, Love, Outside, Veggies, Exercise, and Sleep. It’s a whole person treatment plan that cares for your mind, body and emotional health.

Gratitude: Described as a “meaning-maker” exercise, gratitude help finding meaning in challenging situations. Expressing gratitude cultivates a positive mindset.

Love: Love for yourself and the world around you forms the foundation of well-being. Practical tips include the power of positive affirmations to foster self-love e.g. ‘I am unique and worthy’, ‘I deserve happiness’.

Outside: Connecting with nature becomes a healing force. Spending time outdoors impacts your mood, well-being, and awareness of the environment.

Veggies: Healthy nutrition is key to a thriving mind and body. Mindful eating practices, such as sitting at a table, using a plate, chewing consciously, and assessing evening snacks, enhance the awareness of food choices.

Exercise: Movement is essential for physical and emotional well-being. Consider various forms of physical expression, including therapeutic breathing, yoga, walking, or even a simple shake to release stress.

Sleep: Acknowledging sleep as the ultimate healer,  the book offers tips for creating a sleep sanctuary, establishing a consistent bedtime routine, and normalising mealtimes. When you eat and what you eat can help you reset your body clock

Further Reading

Dr. Gemma Newman’s “Get Well Stay Well” is a holistic guide, empowering individuals to take control of their physical and mental well-being. Through self-reflection, goal-setting, and embracing the “GLOVES” principles, you can embark on a transformative journey towards a healthier, happier life. Wellbeing is a personal endeavour, and every positive step counts.

Further Resources 
Time Line Therapy™ is unique in its approach to emotional healing and resolves issues remarkably fast without having to go into unwanted details. It is the quickest and gentlest way to heal and release negative emotions such as fear, stress, anxiety and depression. Time Line Therapy™ is equally effective in overcoming limiting beliefs and building empowering beliefs and self-confidence. For more information click through on Time Line Therapy™.

Natural Wellness Blog

Our Wellness Blog, is inspired by Nature on Prescription and Food on Prescription. This month we explore how Nutrient-rich foods can Reduce Anxiety and the Link between Light exposure and Wellbeing. Access it here now for practical inspiration on pro-active health.

Cosmic Overview and Current Energies

It’s Chinese New Year! We’re birthing a new era. What does 2024 hold for you? Get a feel for the current climate energetically so you can flow with life, take a higher perspective and see things clearly … Read more for the bigger picture.


Enjoy this Gratitude Meditation 
Enjoy these guided mindfulness meditations as your self-help healing tools.

Books to facilitate your holistic growth

Lifting the Veils of Illusion, 7 Steps to Spiritual Enlightenment
The Foundations of Mastery, 12 Steps to a Fulfilled Life


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Exploring the Essence of Love

Love, the enigmatic force that binds humanity together is a concept that has been explored, celebrated, and questioned throughout the ages. Here I ask again: What is love? How do I cultivate it?


Compassion is the active expression of love. It is love in action that propels us to reach out to others. It goes beyond empathy, motivating us to take tangible steps to make a positive impact. Compassion recognises the interconnectedness of all beings and inspires acts of kindness, generosity and support. In the tapestry of love, compassion weaves threads of benevolence, creating a ripple effect that extends far beyond individual relationships.


Love often manifests through acts of kindness. Kindness is the language of love; that gentle touch that nurtures the soul, the empathetic gesture that acknowledges shared humanity. Whether it’s a simple smile, an act of courtesy, a helping hand extended in times of need, or a compassionate word spoken in difficult moments, kindness is the language through which love speaks. It fosters connection, creates positive energy, and leaves an indelible mark on the hearts it touches. Kindness makes the world a better place. 


Love is a supportive force; the hand of assistance that we all need as we go through life’s challenges. Supportive love is the unwavering assurance that someone is there, ready to lend a listening ear, provide encouragement, and offer a helping hand. It’s the recognition that we are a community united in our journey, that there are others who genuinely care about our well-being. Supportive love builds resilience, creates a pillar of security, and allows individuals to thrive.


At its core, love embodies the idea of oneness – the Interconnected Web of Love. It’s the understanding that we are all interconnected, sharing the same human experience. Love fosters unity, breaking down the perceived barriers that divide us and emphasising our common humanity. It is the force that dissolves differences, allowing us to see the beauty in diversity and appreciate the richness that comes from embracing the oneness of all beings.

Unconditional Love – the Purest Form of Connection. Unconditional love transcends judgment and expectation, it is a limitless love without conditions. Whether expressed in familial bonds, friendships, romantic relationships or humanity as a whole, unconditional love is the solid foundation that accepts flaws, celebrates uniqueness, and fosters growth. It’s the kind of love that stays strong through thick and thin, acknowledging imperfections and embracing the journey of shared experiences.

Self-Love – the Root of All Love

Before extending love outward, there must be a reservoir of love within – self-love. It’s the foundation that enables individuals to navigate the complexities of life with resilience and compassion. Self-love is not about vanity or ego; it’s about recognising one’s worth, embracing imperfections with self-compassion, and prioritising personal well-being. When grounded in self-love, individuals can authentically extend love to others, creating a positive ripple effect in their relationships and communities.


Love, in its pure form, requires acceptance. It’s an acknowledgment that each thread in the fabric of humanity is unique, with its own hue, texture, and pattern. Acceptance is the act of embracing individuals for who they are, without trying to reshape them into something they’re not. It’s the essence of unconditional love – a love that transcends judgments and flourishes in an environment of genuine acceptance. In accepting others, we create a space where love can bloom authentically.

Forgiveness – the Liberating Act of Love

Love’s journey often encounters bumps and detours, and forgiveness emerges as a beacon that guides us through the rough patches. Forgiveness is an act of love, freeing ourselves and others from the burdens of resentment and anger. It is the realisation that imperfections are inherent in the human experience and that, in forgiving, we release the grip of judgement and negative emotions. Through forgiveness, love not only endures but also thrives, creating space for growth, healing, and renewed connections.


At the heart of love lies understanding – the ability to see beneath the surface, to comprehend the nuances of another’s journey. Understanding is the bridge that connects hearts, allowing individuals to resonate with each other’s joys, pains, and complexities. It involves active listening, empathy, and a willingness to walk in someone else’s shoes. In cultivating understanding, love deepens, transcending superficial judgments and fostering genuine connections.

Forgiveness, understanding, and compassion intertwine to create harmony. Forgiving others requires an understanding of their perspectives and embracing compassion for their challenges. Understanding is nurtured by the compassion that acknowledges the shared human experience. In this interconnected dance, these elements work synergistically, forming a robust foundation for resilient transformative love.

Growth in Consciousness

Ultimately, love and heart-based consciousness is our path of evolution. Coming home to the heart, activates feelings of love and compassion in an unconditional way. The heart-mind is far more powerful than the brain as it receives information first and then passes it to the brain. Love expands the heart and is a gateway to your true higher self. Love transforms negative emotions and perceived limitations into faith, trust, inner-guidance, peace, joy and enlightenment. We are evolving to embody more of our true selves here on earth.

Love as Transformative Power

Love is power; the transformative force that can challenge perspectives, heal wounds, and inspire profound change. It’s a dynamic energy that propels individuals and communities toward growth and evolution. Love, when harnessed consciously, becomes a catalyst for personal and collective transformation. The recognition that love is not merely a passive emotion but an active transformative power, empowers individuals to create positive change in their lives and in the world around them.

Love Heals

Science has shown the link between mental and physical health. Just as all negative emotions are fear-based, all positive emotions are love-based. Love then promotes related emotions such as optimism, hope, faith, trust, contentment, satisfaction, serenity happiness and joy. Love, when embraced in its entirety, becomes a legacy that transcends generations, leaving an indelible mark on the hearts and minds of those touched by its transformative energy. This legacy is a testament to the enduring power of love to shape, heal and uplift the human spirit.

Let love be our guiding light, illuminating the path of our lives, the world and a future of unity and prosperity.