Transformational Tools for Transformational Times

Autumn, the season of the harvest, brings number of things to a close for us – it is a time of endings, releasing and letting go of much of the old. We’ve experienced so much change in the world; globally and locally. Right now we are clearing the slate; laying the foundation for something new and although everything is still uncertain, you can now begin to open up to new possibilities.

What is Transformation?

One of my favourite writers, Deepak Chopra defines transformation as a radical change of form. Nature offers the best metaphor of this radical change of form in the caterpillar that becomes a butterfly. Similarly, the dictionary defines transformation as a marked change in form, nature or appearance.

Personal Transformation and Accelerated Growth

This autumn we are experiencing radical transformation and rapid growth – the kind of radical change that the caterpillar undergoes to become a butterfly. As the butterfly emerges, it may have to strengthen its wings as part of preparatory work before it can take off and expand. It may have to experiment, explore and experience much to familiarise itself with its new form. There are new possibilities and potential to tap; a new power and purpose to embrace. You may have to mindfully anchor in your growth because even though it may still be unclear, what you are becoming is truly magnificent.

Healing the Fearful Ego

To truly move ahead we’ll want to really move beyond any remaining fears and doubts. Recognise the fear-creating agenda in mainstream media, see it for what it is. Feel into the age-old struggle-creating programs of the ego, acknowledge them, and then set the intention to release and overcome these fears as you work towards wholeness. Fears are often the result of hurtful experiences of the past. Perhaps this autumn we will find a way to forgive the past, forgive the pain, take the wisdom from our experiences, accept more love in our hearts, whilst integrating the limiting, reactive ego-self into your true, expansive, magnificent higher self. Journaling can be very healing and a great thing to do right now. Journal what you want to release and what you want to open up to.

Restructuring your Foundations and Strengthening your Wings

We are all going through so much change as the old ways of being continue to crumble and fall away. You may have a vision of the the new, and not quite know how to bring it about. In reality, you have all that it takes already inside you – a true authority and power that can be tapped to make the desired change in your life and the world you live in. It may well be why you are here. Now is the time we are stepping into our true higher purpose.

Re-birth through Practical Creativity

You came into this world with a unique set of gifts, talents and abilities and a desire to express these in a unique way for your own expansion and for the betterment of the world. Many of the challenges you have experienced in life only happen for your growth, maturity, preparation and readiness to step boldly onto your true path; your true purpose. Eckhart Tolle describes our inner and outer purposes. The two are intertwined. Your inner purpose is to awaken and expand in consciousness. Your inner purpose is the foundation for fulfilling our outer purpose. Your outer purpose is to create the kind of New Earth that you want to live in.

Transformation is often more about undoing than doing. Sometimes we have to enter the deeper waters of our feelings, intuition and true inner power that stir in you the inspiration and desire to claim your gifts and express your own uniqueness in a practical creative way. The time is right now for you to claim and express your gifts, to unfold your wings and do what you came to do creatively in the world.

What is the Process of Personal Transformation in Life?
Life is a process of learning and growth towards enlightenment. Sometimes it takes a lifetime filled with challenges to make any significant progress. We call it Karma – our lessons in life. You can dramatically accelerate the process of personal transformation and clear your karma by means of Time Line Therapy™ techniques. To really move ahead you have to be at peace with your past. This means dealing with the baggage that we’ve accumulated and changing our repeated cycles and patterns. Sometimes we think we’ve dealt with it, but we’ve only suppressed it. Once the past is healed, we focus on confidence-building and empowering self-belief. Then you are ready to step into your true potential and create your future by means of powerful goals-setting and visualisation. The complete process on the path of transformation and growth is as follows:

  • Healing and releasing negative emotions and baggage from the past. These are anger, sadness, fear, hurt, guilt and any past trauma,
  • Letting go of limiting beliefs that keep you from feeling confident and achieving the success you want; developing empowering beliefs and natural confidence instead,
  • Clearing any internal conflict so you can feel integrated and aligned along your future vision,
  • Healing relationships by being at peace with everyone around us. This also means facing and taking responsibility for our perceptions and projections. Sometimes it takes forgiveness. People around us simply mirror our issues and enforce our karma. Blame is disempowering and keeps us in victim-state. There is nobody outside of us to blame. They only play a role for our learning. When we take the learning to heart and change our perceptions, everything changes and we can move ahead,
  • Making a new beginning; a fresh start. Having resolved the issues of the past, you are now free to create your ideal future by means of a magical goal-setting and visualisation process that ensures results every time.

What is Transformational Therapy?
Time Line Therapy™ as a form of hypnotherapy, combined with the best of NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) – can be hugely transformational as it brings quick and significant change in your life and is a key outcome in allowing the real you to emerge. Time Line Therapy™ techniques are actually perfect for personal transformation and accelerated growth and therefore anyone can benefit from it.

How do you Achieve this Transformation?

Firstly, by releasing any fear-based negative emotions that are holding you back. Other negative emotions such as anger, sadness, hurt and guilt are often experienced as a result of underlying fear. As you release and overcome fear, you will feel clearer and lighter, and positive emotions such as joy, peace and love will have space to arise.

Secondly, any self-limiting beliefs such as feeling ‘not good enough’, or ‘I can’t do it’, are changed into positive empowering beliefs. Such limiting beliefs are easily turned around because they are based on a false notion of who you are and what you are capable of. This sets you free to begin to tap into the unlimited potential and creativity that’s there in each of us.

Thirdly, you are now clear and enabled enough to experience the creative power of your mind to create your future the way you want it by setting intentions and goals. Powerful visualisation processes turn dreams into reality. This is the magic of the creative faculty of your mind.

Time Line Therapy™ works with the Unconscious Mind, which stores past memories and emotions as clusters of similar types, called gestalts. With Time Line Therapy™, the gestalt, which causes the repeat of patterns (Karma), can be accessed to learn from. Patterns repeat until we learn, then the Karma is done. For a detailed description just click through to Time Line Therapy™ on the website.

Further Resources
Soul Readings
Not sure about your path and your purpose? You can learn more about yourself and your life with a Soul Reading. Explore your soul’s journey, uncover and heal childhood and past life experiences that may still be impacting your life. The aim and intention with the reading is that you gain a deeper understanding of yourself and your potential as well as examining some unconscious parts of yourself. This can aid profound insight, understanding, healing and spiritual development. Full details can be accessed here
Transformational Meditations
All our meditations are transformational in nature as they are designed to release the old and bring in the new. These well-utilised self-help tools, are simple and powerful and can be accessed here.
Healing Meditation – Healing Childhood Emotions
Emotions are stored in us as a cluster or a gestalt. To heal past emotions, it’s always good to find the root cause, learn from it (karma is learning) and then release the entire cluster. This meditation facilitates that process wonderfully and you can repeat it whenever you feel emotions rising.
Join a course for your transformation, expansion and further knowledge. All details are on the Events Calendar.
Deepen into Self-mastery. Read The Foundations of Mastery, 12 Steps to a Fulfilled Life.
Lifting the Veils of Illusion, 7 Steps to Spiritual Enlightenment – reduced to 99p on Amazon for Kindle.

Cosmic Overview and Current Energies

We’re birthing a new paradigm. Get a feel for what Autumn 2021 is holding for you … Read more about the bigger picture.


Sign up for our monthly newsletter and receive a wealth of self-help resources, tips and information on mental, emotional and physical well-being. Sign up for the monthly newsletter here to stay updated.

Your Purpose, Your Gifts, Your Karma

These are key issues of life that we are exploring on the Ancestral Healing Course at the moment. Your life purpose, your gifts, your karma and the significance of our current experience on Earth are vague, big picture and not always easy to grasp, yet worth exploring for insight in yourself and your life on Earth at this pivotal time in our evolution …


This is such a significant lifetime on Earth and we are transmuting a lot of karma. The purpose of life is to learn and evolve. Your purpose may be to finally overcome fear and limiting beliefs, claim your gift and step into your power. Many of us are here to heal family karma and bring to an end long-held family patterns such as anger, fear, hurt, judgements or addictions. Your purpose may be to heal blocked emotions, not just your own, but also healing your ancestral line in the process. Carl Jung believed that many karmic patterns are societal and have been passed down the generations (Snowden, 2010). Anything unresolved was passed on to be sorted out by the next generation. We live in a time of urgency to finally transmute these patterns, move beyond the wheel of karma and raise the consciousness of the whole. All consciousness is connected. As you let go of your own fears and limiting beliefs, you also help to heal the family and the world. Your purpose may be to free yourself from criticism and opinions and set yourself free to follow your own path. Your purpose may be to challenge existing societal beliefs and judgement about rights and wrongs and about what’s ‘normal’. Your purpose may be to move from a victim-state to empowerment; from unworthiness to confidence; from emotional detachment to compassion; from conflict to peace. As a change agent, you are here to assist in uplifting the consciousness of the whole into ever higher levels of awareness. We clothe ourselves in these patterns by being born in them. Then when we heal ourselves, we liberate the family and the collective. Ultimately you are here to assist in birthing the New Earth.

About Karma

Karma is the direct expression of the Law of Cause and Effect. The scientific equivalent of this law teaches that ‘for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction’. Like all Universal Laws, it’s beautifully built into the fabric of the universe to maintain balance objectively. There is no judgement, reward or punishment involved. Karma is a lack or absence of balanced experience (Schwartz, 2012). We learn by experiencing both ends of a scale (eg hate and love) for balance and integration. Our actions have consequences. Through experiences and consequences, we gain wisdom. Especially when we take full responsibility for everything playing out in our universe. The Law of Cause and Effect continues to nudge us towards change, raising our consciousness to ever greater heights. We all cultivate a karmic state or a karmic disposition which is the results of our beliefs, values, intentions, thoughts and actions. This of course can change, and does change as we learn. Learning brings the unconscious programs into conscious awareness, allowing us to make adjustments in our choices. When the learning is done, karma is done. We are then free to create a new reality. The Law of Cause and Effect works towards your evolution as you evolve from unconscious to conscious, from ego to beyond ego and finally to fulfilling the highest potential of your true higher self. Ultimately, everything that happens, happens for your growth and evolution.

How Do You Know Your Karma?

Karma often runs in a family like patterns of behaviour. If you want to know what your karma is, identify the challenges you are experiencing. These could be challenging relationships, repeating cycles of experiences, addictions, undesirable habits, negative emotions and limiting beliefs. Common karmic patterns are fear of rejection, fear of failure, fear of success, low self-esteem, self-doubt, lack of confidence, disorganisation, commitment phobia, being out of balance (head and heart; family and business; self and others), not trusting others, not trusting your inner knowing; your intuition, giving your power away and not believing you deserve abundance. Karma may also be the things you avoid like speaking up for yourself, standing your ground, or asserting yourself and your boundaries. We often have to work through our challenges to step into our gifts. Your karma is your greatest gift. Like a two-sided coin, karma is the flip side of your gift. Your gifts are where your fears lie. If for example you feel called to teach and you avoid it because you fear public speaking, that’s your karma that needs resolving. Avoidance creates repeated cycles such as financial debt or abusive relationships. The sooner you face your fears and resolve your karma, the sooner you can step into your true gift, your power, your greatness and your joy.

You came into this world with a unique set of gifts, talents and abilities and a desire to express these in a unique way for your own expansion and for the betterment of the world. The challenges you have experienced in life, only happened for your growth, maturity, preparation and readiness to step boldly onto your true path; your true purpose.

The Significance of This Time

We are at a turning point in history and this is a crucial lifetime for re-balancing. A lot is being crammed in as we are clearing thousands of years of outdated conditioning. Processing our individual and collective karma is our essential work right now. Chris Thomas, in The Journey Home (1998) describes how this ending of the process of karma means that we are finally able to begin the process of consciousness integration; of integrating the Higher Self fully into the physical body.

The time of learning through suffering is over. The wheel of karma is coming to an end. It has served its purpose. Karma is the result of the duality that we experience in the three-dimensional world where we learn through opposites. The new fifth-dimensional experience is one of unity. As we move into unity consciousness, we move beyond duality and learning through karma. Then we are free to open up to the magic of life and learn through curiosity, creativity, love and positive experiences.

We still have to watch the ego. The ego is attached to suffering. It has been running a program of suffering for so long, it doesn’t know another way. We have to watch this ingrained program and as we integrate the ego into wholeness, reassure it that there is another way; a way of joy and love. We may have to remind ourselves of this often until learning through positive, joyful experiences becomes our effortless new habit.

Children born today have greater awareness and knowledge. These children are highly advanced and are now starting to come in free from karma. They are highly refined and sensitive. They can still be impacted by our karma, emotions and societal beliefs. We have the responsibility to support these angels on Earth. They come to do great work. They are the future of mankind, the future of the new homo luminous.

Ancestral Healing

We used to think that our genes control us; that certain conditions run in the family and that we are destined to have the same conditions and illnesses passed on to us. This belief practically makes us a victim of our genes. Thanks to cellular biologist Bruce Lipton’s work, The Biology of Beliefs (2005), we now know that DNA is simply on and off switches. These DNA switches respond to signals in the environment, rather than our genetic inheritance. Furthermore, the DNA responds to our thoughts and our perceptions of the environment. Our consciousness – whether we feel safe or threatened – turns the stress response on or off. Every thought impacts on your cells. Your genetic biology is really run by your consciousness; your thoughts and perceptions.

So, genetic conditions aren’t passed on to us. What is passed on to us is the memory. Genetic memory can go back three or four generations. In the cells and in the energy field that binds us together are thought forms, belief systems, patterns, habits, emotions and information that have been stored by past generations for centuries. Therefore, many things that we feel and do are governed not just by our own beliefs but by what our ancestors experienced and believed as well. Some of these beliefs are useful and some not. We have to question our beliefs, their relevance and usefulness all the time.

When you heal, release and change such limiting beliefs, you change the DNA through the on/off switches, not just for yourself, but also your siblings, parents, children and extended family. Memory is also stored in the unconscious mind, such as the core beliefs we grew up with. Past life memory can also be stored in the etheric energy field (Gill Edwards, 2010). When you heal for example your anger, it releases from the energy field that you share with generations of your ancestral line. So, it releases for them too and brings profound healing even if they have already passed over. You also heal your children and grandchildren that way.

We are here to usher in the change through inner work. Part of our purpose at this time is to transmute all negative energy and challenge societal taboos and beliefs about what’s right and wrong. You are an energy converter. As you let go of your own fear-based limiting beliefs, you uplift and liberate others. Your purpose may be to heal blocked emotions, to transmute all unresolved negative energies from past lives and to integrate it into the whole of your being

Soul Retrieval

Traumas and significant emotional experiences of the past can create soul loss. Some of your energy or an aspect of you got left behind in the event. Soul loss can be as a result of attachments to people or places, energy leakages or lost energy often as result of trauma, even surgery. Examples of lost aspects are your sense of fun, light-heartedness, sense of humour, free-spiritedness, sense of caring (feeling you can’t be bothered), loss of childlike innocence or loss of joy. When these soul fragments are retrieved and integrated, you can feel energised, light and whole again. Wholeness is healing.

The Mastermind-set

  • By healing myself, I heal the ancestral line and the planet.
  • When I resolve my karma, I can finally bring karma to an end.
  • The end of karma is the start of love, peace, abundance and positive growth experience.
  • As I identify and end the suffering program, I open up to living joyfully and magically.

May 2020 be your year of transformation, growth and expansion. The time is right now, for you to claim and express your gifts, to unfold your wings and do what you came to do creatively in the world.


Purpose, Gifts and Karma Reading

With the esoteric studies of astrology and numerology we can uncover your purpose, gifts and karma. It can bring phenomenal insights in yourself and in your unique life purpose. For more information visit Life Purpose Readings.

Meditation Course
Join the Self-mastery Meditation Course and experience healing through advanced meditative practice, designed for your growth and evolution.

On 16th September we are starting a 12-week online Self-mastery Meditation Course. Join us and experience the application of these concepts. You will be inspired to rise above the ego, transcend the ordinary and open up to the extraordinary with awareness and intention. Learn to flow through challenging experiences, release resistance and embrace the growth. Practise acceptance, gratitude & forgiveness. Open up to your full potential and unfold as your true masterful self. Learn how you can be your own healer, grow in consciousness and master your ability to manifest abundance, happiness and fulfilment in your life.  Full details are on the Events Calendar.

Timeline Therapy

Time Line Therapy™ facilitates gentle, yet powerful processes to enable you to heal emotions such as anger, sadness, fear, depression and anxiety. We can also let go of self-doubt and limiting beliefs that keep you from feeling confident, and develop empowering beliefs and natural confidence instead. Time Line Therapy™ is unique in its approach and resolves issues remarkably quickly without having to go into a lot of details. I can highly recommend Time Line Therapy™ for a complete clear-out of negative emotions and limiting beliefs. It’s transformational and rapidly speeds up your personal evolution. For more information click on this link: Time Line Therapy™.

Cosmic Overview and Current Energies

We’re birthing a new paradigm. The old one is crumbling. This year is the transition is hugely transformational. 2020 is a year that pushes us into self-mastery – realising the true self and what we came to do here. This year lights that fire. That’s why we continue to eradicate fear, guilt, hurt and doubts so you can step up into the greatness of your being … read more for the bigger picture.


Sign up for the monthly newsletter to receive the Cosmic Overview and know how to work with the Current Energies, as well as a wealth of self-help resources, tips and information on mental, emotional and physical well-being. Stay up to date on our events and courses. Simply click Newsletter Subscriptions.