Align with your Authentic Self

In the December newsletter I suggested deepening into the theme of authenticity in the new year. It turned out that authenticity is indeed one of those key themes of 2023. The year 2023 has been rightly named the year of a turning point, the year of evolutionary change, the year of grand new beginnings, the year of hope, and more. I’d like to call 2023, your year of aligning with yourself.

Align with your Authentic Self

Authenticity will be a key theme as we enter 2023. It’s essentially part of our growth and fulfilment of our greatest potential. Not always easy nor encouraged by society and all too often we put on a mask instead in an effort to protect ourselves from judgement, hide our feelings and true thoughts in fear of disapproval. Yet, this year you will want to honour this theme for the sake of your own happiness, freedom and blossoming.

What is Authenticity?

Authenticity is awareness of our inner experience. It’s being your true self and living congruently with your values, beliefs, uniqueness, path and purpose. Authenticity is expressing our true selves freely. It’s essential for your happiness and maturity, it’s liberating and empowering as it enables you to take a path in life consistent with who you truly are. Authenticity is important if you want to live a balanced and healthy life. Authenticity means genuineness and a presence of full awareness in the present moment – an aliveness. Authenticity takes courage as it involves being open to our vulnerabilities, and overcoming our fears. We are all unique and authenticity is expressing your own uniqueness whilst honouring the uniqueness of others. This approach to diversity will take us into the new era with love, balance, harmony and peace.

Societal Roles and Expectations

As we grow up, we adopt introjected attitudes, values and beliefs from parents, teachers, peers and the like, about how and who we should be, creating societal expectations that we feel compelled to live up to for approval. We then cultivate the masked self, losing touch with the real self. We experience anxiety when we conform to other people’s expectations rather than accepting ourselves the way we are. Our growth is hampered, and emotional problems ensue when pleasing others and receiving rewards become more important than listening to our inner voice and creating our own future. The lack of congruence between the ‘ideal self’ and the ‘real self’ is the main source of mental health issues.

Authenticity is thus congruence (genuineness); being your real self. Much of our process of self-discovery in life is therefore an undoing of these introjections from others, in order to uncover and free the real self. What people tend to see of us is the masking of the real self, the outward facade, the face we put on. Behind this mask is the authentic real self; the self that you are and feel you can be with those trusted people who really know and accept you. Our path of growth and development in life is to rediscover and be the real, authentic self. Our relationships and interactions with others will then be more real, authentic and rewarding too. Perhaps this year, in your social interaction with people, consider how you can be more authentic. Give yourself permission to just be yourself. Becoming more of your true authentic self is a great, and perhaps ongoing, spiritual practice.

The Ego Self

The duality of being human is that we have two selves. The ego self is the outward facade, the personality, the mask we put on, the character that we play. The 3-dimensional narrow focus of the ego self on the struggles and survival of our everyday existence, creates fears, anger, stress, and doubts. The ego concerns itself with its own importance, compares itself with others, and judges how it shapes up as it copes with the hamster wheel of life. The ego can put up a show that’s not real. It often creates struggles, difficulties and hardship. It’s certainly part of you, yet a small and limited part of you. You are much more than that. Separated from it, by the thinnest of a veil, is your greater dimensional self, your Higher Self.

The Higher Self

We can only access this greater self by first creating calm, relaxation and expanded awareness. Infinite and unlimited, this is the seat of your greater potential, your untapped resources and your giftedness. It’s your source of your intuition, inner-guidance, inspiration, wisdom and expanded awareness. Whatever happens in your life, the higher perspective of your higher self gives meaning and purpose to your experiences. The qualities of your higher self is unconditional love, empathy, compassion, acceptance, joy and peace. Your higher self is who you truly are. Our path of evolution is ego self to higher self. We are thus evolving to become more of our true authentic selves.

Be Your Authentic Self

It’s from authenticity that joy can pour forth spontaneously. This year give yourself the permission to be your authentic self, embrace your unique life and the joy of being you.

Resources for you
Time Line Therapy™
Sometimes we need a little assistance to heal and release emotions of the past. In my experience Time Line Therapy™ is unique in its approach to emotional healing and resolves issues remarkably fast without having to go into unwanted details. Time Line Therapy™ is equally effective in overcoming limiting beliefs and building empowering beliefs and confidence. For more information click on this link: Time Line Therapy™.

Natural Wellness Blog

Our Wellness Blog, is inspired by Nature on Prescription and Food on Prescription, This month we explore the health benefits of getting out in nature, and of course, it’s Veganuary! Access it here now for practical inspiration on pro-active health.

Cosmic Overview and Current Energies

We’re birthing a new era. What does 2023 hold for you? Get a feel for the current climate energetically so you can flow with life, take a higher perspective and see things clearly … Read more for the bigger picture.

Further Reading

Facilitate your own path of growth and development in life: Lifting the Veils of Illusion, 7 Steps to Spiritual Enlightenment,
Deepen into Self-mastery with: The Foundations of Mastery, 12 Steps to a Fulfilled Life.

Transformational Meditations

These meditations are transformational in nature as they are designed to release the old and bring in the new. These well-utilised self-help tools, are simple and powerful and can be accessed here.


Sign up for our monthly newsletter and receive a wealth of self-help resources, tips and information on mental, emotional and physical well-being. Sign up for the monthly newsletter here to stay updated.

For all courses, visit the Events Calendar.

It is the Season of Heart

This is not your average Christmas season, yet communities are already being creative and consciously heart-based in how they connect and spread love and cheer during these current circumstances. Challenging times can bring the best of inspiration out in us. We’ve just finished a 12-week online Mastery Meditation Course with a fabulous group of people supporting one another during these times of restrictions. We’ve come through this year, which in itself is enough reason for celebration. You’ve been through deep transformation that’s refined you on your path of growth into self-mastery. You are leaving a lot behind and can indeed step up into more of your higher potential, as this world needs your unique contribution. Here I’m sharing some of the key themes we’ve been exploring on our courses this year…

Mastering Heart-based Consciousness

Heart-based consciousness, is the new era consciousness – an evolutionary shift we are collectively making right now. Coming home to the heart, activates feelings of love and compassion in an unconditional way. The heart-mind is far more powerful than the brain as it receives information first and then passes it to the brain.

Living in the heart and making true decisions with your heart-mind from a basis of love and intuitive guidance, are key mastery practices. In the heart, you begin to work more with your feelings and intuition to access your truth.

Heart Coherence

Heart-coherence is a state achieved when you shift your focus into the heart and activate heart-based feelings such as love, caring and appreciation. According to research done by the HeartMath Institute, heart based coherence reduces stress and restores health. “Coherence is the state when the heart, mind and emotions are in energetic alignment and cooperation,” HeartMath Institute Research Director Dr. Rollin McCraty says. “It is a state that builds resilience – personal energy is accumulated, not wasted – leaving more energy to manifest intentions and harmonious outcomes.”

In Western Society we have valued the brain and its logical intellect over emotions for far too long. We seem to have overlooked the power of the heart. According to this latest research, the heart-brain is more powerful than the head-brain (thinking brain) and has a vastly expanded electromagnetic field; much bigger than the head-brain and it extends several feet from the body. Our heart energy therefore dramatically affects those around us. When in this space you are more expansive, resourceful, connected and in a state of flow. The heart-brain seems instinctive and intuitive as it senses information in the environment before the head-brain – and even before it happens. This is your own system of future precognition. It makes sense therefore to make decisions from the heart, intuitively; honouring that gut-feel. Heart-based consciousness is the new 5th-dimensional way of being.

The Link Between Love and Health

At the Institute of HeartMath experimentation with positive intent has shown a boost in the immune system. Negative thoughts like anger, depression, blame and frustration, have been found to suppress the immune system. DNA observed under a microscope tightened up and became shorter, some of the genes were shut down, limiting the range of possibilities we can tap and choose from. When they focused on positive emotions such as love, joy, gratitude and appreciation, the DNA strands began to relax and unwind, allowing an infinite range of inner potential to be tapped.

Dr Masaru Emoto’s intention experiment proved the same. Dr Emoto, author of “The Hidden Messages in Water” (2004), said that human consciousness has an effect on the molecular structure of water. He performed a series of experiments observing the physical effect of words, prayers, music and environment on water. The water would then be frozen to form crystalline structures. The crystalline structure of the water imprinted with positive words was far more symmetrical and aesthetically pleasing than those imprinted with dark, negative phrases. If our words and thoughts have this effect on water crystals, just imagine what kind of effect they have on people considering we are 70% water.

By being more love and light-filled, you affect the world profoundly. Instead of efforting to change the world by battling with external events, true mastery is healing and forgiving your inner perceptions of the world and changing judgmental and fear-related perceptions to positive loving perceptions, remaining non-attached and compassionate. Mastery is working on the source of the problem, the mind. Mastery is overcoming fears and doubts, and restoring your mind to its natural condition of love and light.

Fifth Dimensional Consciousness

Heart based consciousness is transformational. As we shift from head to heart, from separation and ego to true unity, we transform our consciousness from fear-based to love. The 3-dimensional Earth, the plane of karma, is where we experience the duality of light and dark, good and bad, right and wrong, other and self – all the opposites. We learn and gain great insights through experiencing duality. To move into 5th dimensional unity consciousness, we have to integrate all duality in us: head and heart, ego and true self, fear and love. We also have to evolve our consciousness beyond any idea of good and bad or right and wrong or you and me or past and future. The 5th dimension is one of integrated unity, connection, light and love. We finally get the mind out of the past and the future, settling in the joy and expansion of the present moment of now. Shifting into the heart, naturally brings you into the present moment where all is well.

The heart therefore is a gateway to higher consciousness. Through love, acceptance, forgiveness, gratitude, compassion, generosity and joy, you open the heart and naturally expand your energy field; your field of consciousness. You then feel your connection with everyone and everything. In a state of heart coherence your energy, good health and youthfulness naturally returns.

The Healing and Creative Power of Love

Our true nature is love, joy and peace. To realise this, we have to identify and dismantle the ego’s illusions, for it is our attachments to the illusionary material world of the ego, especially at this time of the year, that prevents us from experiencing a festive season that is truly peaceful, loving and magical. Opening our hearts, opens us to the true spirit of Christmas – one of joy, connection, giving, receiving, peace, love and goodness for you and everyone around you. Love, compassion and kindness bring profound healing to the giver and receiver alike.

Heart based Practices

Heart expansion

In your meditation, bring your breathing and awareness into the Heart Centre. Being centred in the heart, naturally expands the electromagnetic field of your heart centre. Feel yourself connecting here to the source of love, light and joy.

Flow and Trust

Even amidst uncertainty, confusion and noise, stay open, flowing with life and trusting that everything ultimately happens for our expansion and evolution. Your heart is the seat of your intuitive guidance. Only you know what’s right for you. Following your own path is essential for your sense of empowerment and well-being and will fill you with the dynamic energy to create your own destiny. This implies cutting through all the noise, confusion and fear. Beyond fear, within each of us, is a space of innate peace. That’s where you want to dwell and from there you want to flow creatively, remaining open to what comes across your path. The universe is benevolent and infinitely supportive when you flow with life and live your purpose. Flow opens you up to the magic of life and the magic of the resourcefulness that’s already in you.


Bring healing to yourself, others and the planet through visualising and positive thought-intention. Healing takes place when loving high-frequency light transmutes negativity and dis-ease. Healing can be sent over vast distances. Respecting free will, always intend that the healing is in their highest and greatest good. Detach from the outcome, accepting what will be, will be for their greatest good.


The quickest route to the heart is a practice of gratitude. Gratitude connects you to all the goodness in your life and restores your sense of well-being. A daily practice of heart based gratitude has been proven to dramatically increase your levels of happiness.


Practice the gift of blessing. It evokes powerful divine energy. What you give, you receive. It can be done in meditation and also just by means of a loving thought or a good wish.


This Christmas, enjoy this meditation to shift into the heart.

Inspirational Reads

A Path with Heart by Jack Kornfield 
Reduced to 99p each on Amazon for Kindle right now:
Lifting the Veils of Illusion, 7 Steps to Spiritual Enlightenment and
The Foundations of Mastery, 12 Steps to a Fulfilled Life.
Prefer a hard copy? NARINA30 gives you a 30% current climate discount on the Practical Inspiration Publishing website right now.

Cosmic Overview and Current Energies

– Grand Scale Endings and Refreshing New Beginnings

We’re birthing a new paradigm. The old one is crumbling. This year is the transition. 2020 is hugely transformational. 2020 is a year that pushes us into self-mastery. We are living in a historic turning point when several Astrological Cycles are coming to an end simultaneously … read more for the bigger picture.

A Big Thank You

With gratitude to you for your support, I wish you a light-filled, heart-warming Christmas. I look forward to reconnecting in the New Year, whether in-person or online, there’s a lot on offer to assist you in making 2021 a well-deserved breath of fresh air.

What’s On?

See the Events Calendar for courses starting in the New Year:
Meditation Course
Reiki 1
Reiki 2
Timeline Therapy Course  
Hypnotherapy Course 

Christmas Gift Ideas

Gift Vouchers  
Soul Purpose Reading 
Health Enhancing Jewellery