Happy New Year – Make 2015 Your Year to Shine

 A new beginning – The old has gone, the new begun

This is the great magic of life, that every day is a new beginning. Every year is a grand new beginning and we naturally hope for something better. Nothing really changes unless we change ourselves. No wonder we are inspired to set new resolutions at the start of the year. Here are mine, I thought I’ll keep them simple, basic and powerful:

  1. Stay in the present moment

All we have is the moment. Being truly present, using of all my senses, being more aware of the fullness of life, trusting what unfolds, enjoying more, I may even stretch the moment and maximise time.

  1. Live from the heart

This will be easier when I stay in the moment. It implies shifting out of the head into the heart. It implies thinking less, analysing less, justifying less and feeling more. I hope this year will shift us closer to heart-based consciousness of compassion, generosity, support, sharing, harmony and peace.

  1. Follow my intuition

This will come naturally when I stay tuned to the heart, that still voice within, the quiet inner guidance that always knows best, that always speaks first, before the analytical, thinking, justifying mind sets in. This also implies staying true to myself in spite of all the opinions out there, which brings me to the next one…

  1. Be true to myself

Perhaps this year will also be the time when we can finally bring the duality into oneness; the good and the bad, the right and the wrong, the light and the dark. We can’t always change the world, but I can do the inner work of integrating the fear-based ego mind into my true self, and so be of one higher mind. I aim to live as my true self which is also an act of self-honouring and self-love. As I continue to seek balance, this will remain I an important practice to me.

  1. Be free

Ironically, the only thing that imprisons us is this fear-based, stress-creating ego mind. So this year, I choose freedom. The freedom to live free from stress-inducing fear. Free to let in the magic of life.

  1. Relax

I know now that the relaxation and calm that comes with this choice of freedom will open me up to positive emotions. This is not always easy so I’ll start with acceptance – accepting what is, practice forgiveness and hope, and so stay open to positive emotions of joy, love and peace.

  1. Create a magnificent year

I also know now that I create my own reality and when I stay relaxed I am better able to take charge of my mind and create what I want. Through breathing and meditative practices I will induce the relaxed state of mind that opens me up to my creative faculty. With my mind – focused thought and intention – I will create my desired outcomes.

  1. Flow with life

I want to flow more with the magic of life and I’ll know that when things feel easier and the struggle and force is gone, I am more in the flow. I want to balance this flow with my creative intention, so I know what I create is right for me, my loved ones and the planet as a whole.

Since the numbers of 2015 all add up to 8, I think I’ll stop at number 8. Eight is my favourite number as it represents power and abundance, the fruition of all that you can be.

Make 2015 your year to shine.

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